
What if there was a learning environment that…

  • Prioritizes your child’s gifts and strengths through project-based learning and accelerated resources and materials in order for each to find their passion in life?
  • Develops a love of learning in your child that shows up in motivated interest and self-initiated learning?
  • Nurtures in your child a positive relationship with every school subject while establishing fundamental knowledge at the optimal learning time frame that matches brain development?
  • Utilizes community mentors who share their trade or passion and/or collaborate and inspire your child in their individual learning journey?

That is what you’ll find at The Creative Learning Center in Lexington, North Carolina. Sign up for a tour here.

Here are more details on the attributes your child will enjoy at the Center:

Open-Ended Individualized Education

The Creative Learning Center promotes identifying and pursuing an individual child’s gifts through a strengths-based, open-ended individualized education. There is a big difference between the current close-ended, standardized learning found in traditional schools and what we are creating. Instead of learning being carefully portioned out and systematically spoon fed, a learner is nurtured as he naturally gravitates to his strengths in the young, formative years, and expands out from there. Instead of learning being capped, a child learns as much about a topic as she likes. Instead of time being capped, a child takes as long as he  wants to learn something. And instead of being weakness-based, learning is strengths-based….Read More

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Creativity-Infused Learning Environment

The Creative Learning Center will incorporate all of the creative outlets into the traditional school subjects in order to enhance learning, encourage creativity, and strengthen gifts. Creative outlets include, but are not limited to, art/photography, theater/showmanship, cooking/gardening, math/numbers, music/dance, video games/computers, fashion/ sewing, puzzles/mazes, and building/electronics. We will also integrate more creative-oriented subjects such as mythology, cultures, and nature. As Daniel Pink said in his oft-quoted Wired magazine article, Revenge of the Right Brain, we are in the era of being creators. In order to meet the demands of our current society, our schools need to value creativity…Read More


Love of Learning Mastery-Based Model

The Creative Learning Center will promote a love of learning by engaging in a mastery-based learning system. We all know how “teaching to the test” is destroying quality learning time in the classroom let alone squashing engagement in topics of interest. Everyone is forced to know the same things at the same time or be found lacking in standardized testing measures. But we shouldn’t all be judged against the same measuring stick. We are all unique learning humans who develop at their own pace. The Creative Learning Center will not test (unless the child desires it) nor will there be grades. Instead, everyone operates on a mastery system and individualized journals will be logged to monitor progress. Each young person will learn each skill to a mastery level at the time they are prepared to do so. This promotes a love of learning and nurtures a positive relationship with each subject. Read More.


Brain Research-Supported Timeframes

The Creative Learning Center will allow the natural bend of each student to guide his or her educational path. By working with the brain development for processing information of every child, it will reveal their strengths, their preferred learning style, and their gifts and interests. By nurturing this, every young person will learn joyfully in the way that works best for them, while strengthening their gifts…Read More


 Strengths-Based Focus

The Creative Learning Center will be a place where all interests, all strengths, and all ways of learning will be valued. What is happening with those children labeled with dyslexia, ADD/ADHD, or gifted? They don’t flourish in the current school environment because they have a different way or time to learning. They don’t fit the standard. Instead of labeling a child as different, we can change the learning environment so that all types of learners are valued and have a way to thrive. At The Creative Learning Center, we start with each child’s strengths that naturally are revealed in the earliest years, and then incorporate various skills and subjects from there, at the appropriate brain developmental time. All children should love to learn; it begins with a strengths-based focus…Read More


Attributes of World Frontrunners in Education

The Creative Learning Center exercises many of the attributes that make the education system of the world’s frontrunner in education successful. Finland leads the world at number one in overall educational performance. The United States is number 17. Some of the most important attributes in Finland’s education system are starting formal academics later at 7 years old, low teacher:student ratios, no tests and very little homework, a discovery-based learning model, and trust at all levels…Read More


Skill-Based Guidance in Developing Emotional Intelligence

The Creative Learning Center is a place to safely get your needs met not only academically, but socially, emotionally, and behaviorally. Bullying and fear of safety is an epidemic in our schools today. The problem is that schools think that simply by being with other children, social and emotional skills are learned. I don’t see how “the blind leading the blind,” “dog eat dog,” or “the pecking order” are ways to learn these skills in a healthy manner. Emotional intelligence is a learned behavior for most of us. If a child is actively and experientially taught how to handle conflict, the emotions of themselves and others, and healthy communication skills between the ages of 5 to 10 years old, the maturity that happens between 11 and 13 years old often allows a young person to have a working emotional intelligence. Because of our open-ended, flexible educational model for academics at The Creative Learning Center, the adult mentors and facilitators are in a position to guide children in gaining skills toward developing socially, emotionally, and behaviorally as well as academics…Read More

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